Dnipro University of Technology — Compliance with the Time

Deep understanding the processes and phenomena occurring in inanimate nature, understanding the capabilities of modern scientific methods of knowing nature, and possess them at the level necessary to solve the tasks that arise in performing professional functions.


Alumni will know:

• fundamental concepts, laws and models of chemical systems, reactivity capacity of substances, chemical identification, ecology;

• methods of theoretical and experimental research in chemistry and ecology;

• structure of the substance; structure of the atom; quantum numbers, order of filling of atomic orbitals; the periodic system of elements of Mendeleev; chemical bond; structure of the molecule;

• energy of chemical processes; internal energy, enthalpy, entropy, Hess’s law, Gibbs energy; conditions of spontaneous chemical processes;

• chemical kinetics and equilibrium; chemical reaction rate constant, equilibrium constant; activation energy; chain reaction catalysis; surface phenomena;

• solutions, the laws of Vant Goff and Raoult; water dissociation; theory of acids and bases;

• electrochemical processes; electrode potentials; Nernst equation; electrolysis, corrosion;

• chemistry of the elements; the environment protection.


Alumni will be able to:

• apply theory for workplace issues, solve typical tasks;

• use scientific, educational, methodical and reference literature.



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